Name | : | Dr.(Ms)Kalpataru Dutta Mudoi |
Designation | : | Technical Officer |
Qualification | : | M.Sc. Ph.D. |
Contact Details | : | CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat-785006, Assam, + 91-9435351809 |
Email id | : | kalpataru_dm@yahoo.co.in,kalpataru@neist.res.in |

Research Interest
- Plant tissue culture
- Raising of clonal microgarden and validation of microclones of ‘Assam Teak’ (Phoebe goalparensis Hutchinson) through multilocational trials in selected areas of N. E. Region. (Principal Investigator) DBT Bio-CARe Project
List of Publications (Most Recent Ten)
Total No. of Publications:14
- Dutta Mudoi K, Saikia SP, Borthakur M (2014). Effect of nodal positions, seasonal variations, shoot clump and growth regulators on micropropagation of commercially important bamboo, Bambusa nutans Wall. Ex. Munro. African Journal of Biotechnology, 13 (19): 1961-1972.
- Saikia SP, Goswami A, Dutta Mudoi K, Gogoi A, Kotoky R, Lekhak H, Handique N (2014). Effect of 2,4-D treatment and Azospirillum inoculation on growth of Cymbopogon winterianus. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 8 (9): 955-960.
- Saikia SP, Gogoi A, Dutta Mudoi K, Bora D (2014) Non-food oilseed plant as an alternative resource for biofuel production. In: Climate Change and Himalaya (eds. J. Sundaresan et al.), Scientific Publishers, India, pp. 94-117.
- Saikia SP, Gogoi A, Lekhak H, Handique N, Dutta Mudoi K (2013) Organic farming for effective sustainable agriculture in India. J. Environmental Science Society. Vol. 1 (2):14-22
- Dutta Mudoi K, Saikia SP, Goswami A, Gogoi A, Bora D, Borthakur M (2013) Micropropagation of Important Bamboos: A Review. African Journal of Biotechnology, 12 (20): 2770-2785
- Saikia SP, Gogoi A, Dutta Mudoi K, Goswami A, Bora D (2012) Assessment of the potential of Jatropha curcas for energy production and other uses. In: N. Carels et al. (eds.), Jatropha, Challenges for a New Energy Crop: Volume I: Farming, Economics and Biofuel. Springer Science + Business Media New York. pp. 299-310.
- Dutta Mudoi K and Borthakur M (2012) Factors affecting the frequency of in vitro flowering of Bambusa balcooa roxb. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 17 (1): 37-43
- Saikia SP, Bora D, Goswami A, Dutta Mudoi K, Gogoi A (2012) A review on the role of Azospirillum in the yield improvement of non leguminous crops. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 6 (6): 1085-1102
- Dutta Mudoi K and Borthakur M (2009) In vitro micropropagation of Bambusa balcooa Roxb. through nodal explants from field-grown culms and scope for upscaling. Current Science, 96 (7): 962-966
- Dutta Mudoi K, Sarmah D, Hazarika J, Bhau BS and Borthakur M (2003) Effect of Different Antioxidants on in vitro formed Plumbago rosea plantlets. Bioprospecting of Commercially Important Plants; Proc. Nat. Symp., ISAB-JC, 2003: pp. 263-268