Name | : | Dr. H. P. Deka Boruah |
Designation | : | Sr. Principal Scientist |
Qualification | : | M.Sc., LLB, Ph.D. |
Contact Details | : | CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat-785006, Assam, India. 2348/49 |
Email id | : | dekabaruahhp@neist.res.in |

Research Interest
- Bioprospection of beneficial soil microbes for their exploitation in the field greener crop production, nutrient use efficiency, environmental restoration and molecular plant microbe interaction.
- Bioremediation and Eco-restoration of environmentally degraded land.
- Application of C-sequestration in terrestrial eco-systems.
- Functional eco-physiology of plant and adaptation biology
- Completed : 14, Ongoing : 04
- Development of microbial formulations of microbial bio inoculants with plant growth promoting and bio control activities for application in rice cultivation in Manipur and Assam. DBT -New Delhi, (Applied research)
- Application of carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystem of Assam for long term sustainability. DST, New Delhi, (applied research)
- SIMPLE, CSIR-Net work & Bioen
- Total Number of Patents Granted: 5 Nos., Technologies: 2
List of Publications (Most Recent Ten)
Total 139 (In SCI Journals: 52; Proceedings: 26; Workshop/conference/ Symposium etc. : 53; Book Chapters: 8) ; Research reports: 12 (Twelve), Patents: 4 (four), Invited talk: 16 (fifteen); Book: 1; Ph.D’s guided : 10
- Bhaardwaz M, Manna P, Das D, Dutta N, Kalita J, Unni B, Deka Boruah HP* (2017) Isolation, Purification, and Characterization of Staphylocoagulase, a blood coagulating protein from Staphylococcus sp. MBBJP S43 Int. J. of Biol. Macromolecules. 102:1312-1321. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.05.005.
- Baruaha R, MishraSK, Kalita DJ, Silla Y, Chauhan PS, Singh AK, Deka Boruaha HP* (2017) Assessment of bacterial diversity associated with crude oil contaminated soil samples from Assam, Int. J. of Environ. Sci. and Tech., DOI 10.1007/s13762-017-1294-2.
- Baruaha R, MishraSK, Kalita DJ, Silla Y, Chauhan PS, Singh AK, Deka Boruaha HP* (2017) Assessment of bacterial diversity associated with crude oil contaminated soil samples from Assam, Int. J. of Environ. Sci. and Tech., DOI 10.1007/s13762-017-1294-2.
- Reshita Baruah, Dipak Jyoti Kalita, Anil Kr. Singh, Binoy Saikia, Arvind Gautam, Hari Prasanna Deka Boruah** (2016) Native hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria and hydrocarbon mineralization processes. IBB 112, 18–30; doi No. 10.1016/j.ibiod.2016.04.032
- Adrisyanti Baruaha, Manobjyoti Bordoloi, Hari Prasanna Deka Baruah** (2016) Aloe vera: A multipurpose industrial crop. Ind. Crops and Prod., 94 (2016) 951–963
- Binoy K Saikia, Ananya Saikia, Panpan Xie, Jingjing Liu, Tonkeswar Das, Hari P Dekaboruah, Mineralogy and geochemistry of coals and associated coal mine overburden from Northeast India, with emphasis on the leaching behaviour of elements and distribution of rare earth elements, Environmental Earth Science, 2016, 75:660
- Dey, T; Dutta, P; Manna, P; Kalita, J; Boruah, HPD; Buragohain, AK; Unni, BG; Ozah, D; Goswami, M and Kotokey, RK (2016) Cigarette smoke compounds induce cellular redox imbalance, activate NF-κB, and increase TNF-α/CRP secretion: A possible pathway in the pathogenesis of COPD, Toxicology Research, DOI: 10.1039/C5TX00477B.
- Saikia BK, Hower JC, Hood MM, Baruah R, Deka Boruah HP, Boruah R, Sharma A, Baruah BP, (2015) Petrological and biological studies on some fly and bottom ashes collected at different times from an Indian coal-based captive power plant. Fuel 158; 572–581
- Borah M, Deka Boruah HP**, Das D, Kalita J, Phukan B., Neog B (2015) Tree species composition, biomass and carbon stocks in two tropical forest of Assam. Biomass and Bioeng. 7 8, 25-35.
- Das D, Baruah R, Roy AS, Singh AK, Deka Boruah HP*, T. C. Borah (2015) Complete genome sequence analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa N002 reveals its genetic adaptation for crude oil degradation, Genomics 105; 182–190
Awards and Fellowships
- Visited Oxford University, London, UK to attend PUP2012, sponsored by Oxford University.
- Visited Chiang Mai and Bangkok, Thailand under collaboration between CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat and ARDA, Thailand, sponsored by ARDA-Thailand.
- Brainpool visiting fellowship, 2009.
- Fellow of Winter School, 2006 CIMAP
- Received J.N. Baruah Memorial Science Award, 2006 Assam, Science Society, Jorhat Branch awarded on the eve of contribution on “Remediation and Management of coalmining wasteland of North Eastern, Coal Fields, Margherita.
- DBT Overseas Associateship, 2002-03, Govt. of India, Ministry of Science & Technology, New Delhi